Numbers to Keep in Mind for 2025
Going into 2025 there are revised tax rates, contribution limits and other numbers to keep in mind as you plan for your financial future. Here is a description of several limits followed by a downloadable PDF at the bottom.
Where Should My Next Dollar Go?
When musicians think about their finances they often become frustrated and even overwhelmed. They ask “where should I start” and “will it really make a difference”?
Money Moves For Musicians Starting Their First Job
After years of practicing around the clock you landed your dream job or first steady gig. Congratulations! Take a moment to enjoy your success! You may wonder, how do you plan for your financial future?
Why is Long-Term Disability Insurance So Important For Musicians?
It is estimated that one in seven workers will suffer from a long-term disability 5 years or longer before they reach age 65. The likelihood a 20-year old will have a disability lasting 6 months or longer before they reach age 67 is around 30%.